March 17th, 2017

How To Block Pop Up Ads On Computer

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World Wide Web is often viewed as the global platform to promote what all you may or you may not envision. There are enormous products and businesses people are dealing with. It encompasses innovations in the field of advertising. Whichever site you visit, irrespective of the nature of the business, there will be always an abundance of pop-up ads on the net. Even before the invention of computers and long before the internet came into existence, marketing was there. Advertisements were very much there, so what is the matter with pop-ups? Is it all a build-up or something else?

A pop-up ad comes in front of the viewer as a pop-up window. It is a form of online advertising, calling for action. They are smaller than the background interface; they are intended either to gain the web traffic or to fetch the email addresses of the visitors on a particular website. Often, users look at pop-ups as the unwanted and unnecessary online experiences. They take their presence as the invasion in their respective systems. If you look at it from the advertiser’s point of view, it seems all fine to them to intrude and attract the customers’ attention, unlike banners. But a user faces problems of different sorts; the most common ones are listed below:

1. They are aggressive and powerful in nature.

Pop-up ads are mostly eye catching and hard to ignore by any visitor. They are demanding in nature and hence visitors who are in hurry have to walk out of the website.

2. They are distracting.

There are many people who research and work over the internet, pop-ups are highly distracting as they interfere with the concentration of the user. They simply make the internet experience unpleasant.

3. They are time-consuming.

Many times, these pop-ups are so lengthy that they eat up all the time a person has got.

4. They are even hard to exit.

These pop-ups are notorious. As frequently you get the pop-ups you cannot get rid of. You are left with no option but to exit the website.

5. They are annoying.

Advertisers find it cheap and easy to draw customers’ attention and hence they overlook the number and the actions one is expected to do.

6. They are not children friendly.

Many times, it is troublesome for children; irrelevant information is not something one should look up to.

Users get frightened to see a sea of pop-up ads on the website. Sticking to the limits in terms of a number of pop-ups is the best thing advertisers and brands can do, but they remain unbothered. These pop-ups are not only hassles but they are dangerous for your systems. There are tips which can be used to stop the invasion of pop-ups in your system. Learn how you can neutralize pop-ups effectively by taking the steps given below:


With most of the web browsers, default settings are already there to block the pop-ups from emerging, be it internet explorer, or apple safari or Google chrome. Ensure that you check the settings if you want to be secure. Go to the settings of the chrome, click advanced settings, go to content settings to check if ‘do not allow any site to show pop up ads’ is selected or not.


Extensions add a functional dependency on your web browser. Most of the browsers do support extensions; you can do it either by adding a new tool or strengthening a new one. There are some popular extensions you can use to update the functionality of your browser’s pop-up detection.


Sometimes for no reasons pop up ads make their way to your system. You can either download or purchase software used to block the pop-ups. There are both types of blockers available in the market, free and paid. You need to research or ask your technical support partner for the relevant advice which will suit you and your browser the most. The individual needs dictate the choice of the Pop up blockerthe most.

By following these simple tips, you can always make your browsing experience a pleasant one.


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